Poste IE

Poste concours IE

Poste ouvert en concours externe

Engineer position open through external competition

Important: this position is bi-located in Versailles or Toulouse depending on the candidate's wishes


You want to work at the heart of scientific research to meet the challenges linked to agroecology and sustainable food. By working with us, you will contribute to stimulating projects, directly linked to the crucial issues of our time.

INRAE ​​is an employer that values ​​diversity and is attentive to the quality of life at work. We encourage applications from people of all backgrounds and origins.

Your missions at URGI can be carried out on the Versailles or Toulouse site and you can benefit from teleworking for up to 144 days a year. The unit hosts the international bioinformatics platform PlantBioinfoPF to which you will belong. This platform centralizes, integrates and analyzes the genomic and genetic data of plants of agronomic interest via the exploitation of the GnpIS information system, ensures the development and operation of international (WheatIS, FAIDARE) and national (RARe) data portals. ), as well as standardized, high-throughput annotation of repeated elements in genomes.


You will contribute to maintaining and developing reproducible analysis environments for the annotation of mobile elements in genomes.

You will work at:

  • simplification and porting into snakemake type frameworks,
  • portability through virtualization or containerization of pipelines
  • efficiency through the use of increasingly intensive calculation methods (cluster)

Your developments will fall within the framework of pan-genome analysis, which is made possible by the growing availability of well-assembled genomes in highly repeated regions. Your DevOps profile will allow you to develop and administer your analysis pipelines and data portals of the PlantbioinfoPF platform.

The application can be made via this link: https://jobs.inrae.fr/concours/concours-externes-ingenieurs-cadres-techniciens-h-f/ie24-bap-3, go to the bottom of the page to download the guide registration and have access to the registration interface. The application deadline is March 22, 2024

You can contact for more details

Michael ALAUX 01 30 83 34 23 michael.alaux@inrae.fr

Anne-Françoise ADAM-BLONDON 01 30 83 37 49 anne-francoise.adam-blondon@inrae.fr